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GovPress plugin reviews

Workflow #

Requests for plugin inspections will normally be received as a ticket from the client. The high-level process is as follows (each step is covered in a section below):

  1. Check for existing inspections
  2. Add a card to the Trello board
  3. Check the plugin for issues using pluginscan
  4. Check for incompatibilities with our hosting platform
  5. Write up an inspection report in advisories.dxw.com. If the plugin does not appear to be vulnerable, this can be published immediately
  6. If the plugin appears to be vulnerable, spend a short amount of time attempting to prove it.

If we aren’t able to prove the vulnerability then we should publish the inspection as ‘potentially unsafe’ and leave it at that: it’s important that we don’t spend too much time on these.

If we were able to prove that the plugin is vulnerable then we shouldn’t publish the inspection yet and instead write up an Advisory. This is covered in a separate guide.

Checking for Inspections #

Log in to dxw advisories and search for any existing inspections for this plugin. Bear in mind that some of these may be draft or privately published.

The Trello board #

The progress of plugin inspections is tracked using the Support and Maintenance Backlog. Although this contains a backlog of pending inspections, the order these are worked through should be based on the associated tickets, or on Fridays, in discussion with DMs.

Inspecting the plugin #

Most plugins can be downloaded from the directory. Premium plugins may have to be purchased (discuss with DMs).

We use a tool called Pluginscan for inspections. It does not have a full understanding of the code - instead it looks for specific patterns and function names which may indicate that the code is unsafe.

A plugin inspection mostly involves checking these pattern matches to see if they represent real issues.

Checking for hosting environment compatibility #

In addition to general security issues, the plugin should also be checked for likely incompatibilities with the hosting environment.

These include, but are not limited to:

Writing up Inspections #

If the plugin is large (around 15,000 or more lines of code), start with a line like this:

At over 26,000 lines of PHP this is a very large plugin, which makes it difficult to thoroughly assess

Recommendations #

If a plugin has a vulnerability, but I need to be authenticated in order to exploit the vulnerability it’s probably ‘Use With Caution’.

Last updated: 9 September 2024 (history)